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Configuring and managing your server

How To Ban and Unban Players

As a server owner or administrator, it's important to have the ability to ban players who are causing trouble on your server. However, it's equally important to have the ability to unban players who have been banned incorrectly or have since mended their ways. In this article, we'll go over the steps to both ban and unban players on your Minecraft server.

Before we begin, it's important to understand the difference between player-based bans and IP-based bans. A player-based ban will only prevent the banned player's Minecraft account from accessing your server. Still, it will not prevent the person behind that account from accessing your server with a different account. On the other hand, an IP-based ban will prevent anyone using the banned player's last known IP address from accessing your server. However, if the player is using a dynamic IP address, this method may not be effective. For the most effective banning, we recommend using both methods.

Banning a player

To ban a player from your server, you will need to log in on your panel to open the console or to be operator to use in-game commands.
Note that if you use the console, you don't need to write the / before each command, add the / only if you are ingame.

/ban player
Replace "player" with the name of the player you wish to ban.

To IP-ban a player, you can use the following command:

/ban-ip player_ip
Again, replace "player_ip" with the IP Address of the player you wish to ban.

Viewing your ban list

To view your ban list, enter the following command:

/banlist players
This will show you a list of all players who have been banned from your server.

Unbanning a player

To unban a player from your server, you can use the following command:

/pardon player
Replace "player" with the name of the player you wish to unban.

To unban a player's IP address, use the following command:

/pardon-ip player_ip
Again, replace "player_ip" with the name of the player you wish to unban.


Banning and unbanning players on your Minecraft server is an essential responsibility for server owners and administrators. By using player-based bans and IP-based bans together, you can effectively prevent troublemakers from accessing your server while also giving players the opportunity to redeem themselves if they have been banned incorrectly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to ban and unban players on your server with ease.